Turn Your




With Property

Why Turn Your Cash Into Cashflow With Property?

Escape The Rat Race - Don't be a wage slave all your life.
Inflation - Prices are rising faster than ever. Idle money buys less every year.
Unstable Economy - Having only one source of income is high risk.
Idle Capital - Money that isn't put to work is a missed opportunity.
Financial Instability - Bank deposits are only guaranteed by the UK government up to £85,000.
Own Your Time - Spend your time how you want.
Beat The Savings Rate - Interest on savings doesn't beat inflation.
2nd Income - Alternative income greatly reduces stress and anxiety.
Capital Growth - Own an asset the increases in value over time.
Secure Store of Wealth - You own your capital in an asset that is yours no matter what happens to the financial system.

About Me

I'm Emma Woodhouse, the founder of Zenith Coaching.

'Zenith' means the top of the mountain, the peak, the pinnacle, the place I can help you get to.

It's the place where you are achieving your goals and thereby facilitating the lifestyle that you want.

Everyone wants to climb a different mountain, but the principles for getting to the top are the same.

I devised a success formula (the Property Success Flywheel Method) which will be mixed with your personal goals to take you to your Zenith.

How Do We Accomplish It?

We will accomplish your property investing goals using a proprietary 7 step process I created called the Property Success Flywheel Method which not only tailors the approach to you personally, but is also designed to create compound returns each time you complete the process.

Who Is This For? vs Who It Is NOT For?

[value stacker and illustrative ROI]


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Take a closer look

Click on the video below to get a summary of the 7 steps you'll be taken through as you traverse my proprietary Property Success Flywheel Method.

What Is The Value Of Coaching?

Coaching is a unique vehicle for achieving success because it focuses on empowering you to achieve what you want yourself instead of it depending on someone else.

Free Yourself From Your Slave Masters

Do you feel like being told when to turn to work and when to leave makes you feel like a slave? How would you feel if instead you had complete ownership over your own time and schedule.

Proven Formula

The Property Success Flywheel Method is our proprietary formula that proves you with a proven and repeatable process meaning you have a clear roadmap of what needs to be done to get results.

No Trial And Error

Time is the most scarce resource you have, don’t waste it. Trial and error is the single most expensive way to learn anything. We already know the ropes saving you hundreds of hours let alone the emotion turmoil of trying stuff that doesn’t work.

Pays For Itself

By the end of the first step in our Property Success Flywheel Method you will have a clear path to making back your investment in the coaching program by several multiples.

Risk Free Money Back Guarantee

Sign Up & Complete Step 1

Sign up for the Zenith Coaching Program and complete step 1 of the Property Success Flywheel Method...

Be Transformed

And if by then your perspective on property investing isn't completely transformed for the better...

Money Back

Get all your money back and keep the personal investment plan document you made in step 1.

Get Started With A Free Initial Consultation

Your next step to financial freedom through property investing. 

Fill out this quick application to help us understand your goals, challenges, and how we can support you in achieving success

Let’s get started on creating your dream future—your journey begins here!

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Zenith Coaching

McCue House, 
70 Wilton Road,
North East Lincolnshire, DN36 4AW


Emma Woodhouse founded Zenith Coaching with the intention of passing on her personal experience of what works when it comes to property investing.


Zenith Coaching is a formal program which takes novice property investors through a proprietary 7 step process to identify and acquire ideal real estate investments.

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Proppreneur Podcast




© Copyright 2024 by Emma Woodhouse.  All Rights Reserved.